If you need to start new business, or you are looking to start any reselling business like Flipkart Product Listing or else you can select different method for analyzing reviews and price. You will get all the required information that needed while using RetailGators.
RetailGators is the only service that provides unique and well-structured to scraped data from an e-commerce website, marketplace, online directories, or resources. Many advantages are there for extracting required data like files that helps to configure to import all online stores.
Different Steps to Extract Flipkart Market with Retailgators: -
- You can provide the URL that you need to scrap.
- Data Fields that you need to target for the shopping cart.
- You can submit all requests and you can receive all the sample data.
- You will get entire data for importing in your online store.
Step 1: Provides URL that needs to be Scraped:
The Flipkart market finds the product that you need to scrape. By this, you can compress your search, and you will able to search for different filters: Brand, Category, Customer Rating, Price, availability, and many others:

When you select all the products that you need, you just need to copy the link which is given and past it to the RetailGators’ online form:
Step 2: List of the Data Field You Need to Scrape and Specify the Target.
The data is visible on the page, which can extract the file. You need a specific list that we need to scrape the field.

- Description
- Product title
- Rating
- Images
- Price
If you want to upload any file for some cart (Woo Commerce, Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop) you can specify as well. We will attain the file as per the requirements and as per the platforms, and you will able to upload that accurately.
Step 3: Submit a Request for Sample Scraped Data.
You fill all the data fields, you can enter your email and click on Send.

Once the request is being raised then you need to provide a proper file within 24 hours.
Those files have 100 rows in CSV formats. By this, you can easily open this kind of file with Excel, Google Sheet, OpenOffice Calc, etc. This is not just a sample product; this will provide you a complete idea of scraping all the file results of eCommerce Scraping Services
For being the file is having all the required fields so that you just need to try and import all your shopping carts as well as review that about how the product would look.
While uploading all the products from Flipkart, you just need to be clear that all the products description are unique.
If you are looking for some information or need to format, right back then you need to prefer all the files which are given to you.
Step 4: Get the Entire Data Which Needs to be Scraped to Import to Your Store
Approving all the test format files, we will able to provide web scraping for the related data extraction services. That’s the reason you will be able to appropriate a pricing plan for any services.

If you are scraping Flipkart regularly, then the choice for you is to buy a subscription. You will be able to receive all the files by FTP or email.
So if you are looking for Flipkart Product Data Scraping Services, then you can contact RetailGators for all your quotes & queries.
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